Order the Healthy Bodies, Happy Kids Series (2nd Edition) NOTE: The Healthy Bodies, Happy Kids Series has recently been re-released. All websites have been revised and the books have new cover designs. These books can also be ordered as Ebooks. Click on the links below. Check out our the full range of Ready-Ed ebooks:www.readyed.netWatch for more health titles and check our other titles on Self Esteem/Life Skills and other subject areas! All at very low prices and ready to download right now!Useful Linkswww.betterhealth.vic.gov.au is a government site with facts, recipes, questions and answers linked to healthy eating. www.diabetes.co.il - The Diabetes Quiz is an educational site to learn about diabetes. The Flash quiz has over 100 questions and topics include: diabetes basics, diet and food, exercise and fitness, stress and relaxation, statistics. www.public.health.wa.gov.au includes a "Health in Schools" lift-out section, with an electronic version of a publication for Western Australian school health initiatives. www.kidshealth.org is a comprehensive American site with an abundance of information on a wide range of health topics for teachers, parents and students. The "Kids" section is easy to follow, written in appealing language and well-presented visuals. www.eatingdisorders.org.au is a comprehensive Victorian site on eating disorders. www.diabetesaustralia.com.au is a national, informative site on diabetes. www.chdf.org.au (Children’s Health Development Foundation) is a South Australian site with a range of information on promoting a healthy school community.www.education-world.com can be used as a search for self-esteem activities. www.adbusters.org is a site dedicated to raising critical awareness of advertising strategies www.media-awareness.ca is an excellent Canadian site with a wealth of ideas appropriate for Australian students on critical analysis of advertising |
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