Madrid Train Blasts

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Madrid Train Blasts
(Fortnight beginning Monday 15 March)

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Madrid Train Blasts

On Thursday, March 11, ten almost simultaneous explosions tore through four packed morning peak hour trains trains in Madrid, Spain. At least 190 people have been killed with the death toll rising. At least 1500 have been wounded in what is being described as the worst terrorist attack in modern Spanish history, three days before the national elections.

The attacks occurred exactly 6 months after the September 11 second anniversary. At first the attacks were blamed on the Basque separatist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) which has fought for more than 30 years against the Spanish government to create a separate state for the Basque people of Spain and South West France. However, reports are emerging that this is the work of terrorist group Al Qaeda, who have claimed responsibility for numerous attacks around the world including the Sept 11 attacks in America.

Ideas for Reporting:

Gather reports to put forward a sequence of events. Check a number of sources to make sure your facts and figures are correct.

Interview an eye-witness to the scene.

Reflect on some other terrorist attacks and provide a summary of attacks in the 21st Century.

Discuss the city of Madrid and what changes you think this  tragic event will bring.

Relevant Websites:

About Madrid:

ETA - From Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Spain - CIA World Fact Book

About Basque Separatists:

Basque Conflict History

News and Coverage:

Yahoo - latest coverage

The Age Newspaper - 
